1988年7月15日,大學剛畢業的德科斯特和艾瑪初次相識,接下來的20年,他們每一年這一天都會見一面,聊聊彼此的生活。兩人約定好每年這一天都要見面,不論任何困難、不論在那裡;一段20年前就開始的奇緣,到這一天才開花結果?當各自悲歡離合時,心裡都知道,他/她就那裡。 It’s 1988 and Dexter Mayhew and Emma Morley have only just met. But after only one day together, they cannot stop thinking about one another. Over twenty years, snapshots of that relationship are revealed on the same day—July 15th—of each year. Dex and Em face squabbles and fights, hopes and missed opportunities, laughter and tears. And as the true meaning of this one crucial day is revealed, they must come to grips with the nature of love and life itself. |