Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger 吐司:敬!美味人生
Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger 吐司:敬!美味人生
 本書已翻拍成電影【吐司:敬!美味人生】,改編自英國名廚奈傑史萊特同名回憶錄,是拍攝知名電視劇《醜女貝蒂》S. J. 克拉克森執導第一部劇情長片,由海倫娜寶漢卡特飾演主角繼母、《巧克力冒險工廠》童星佛瑞迪漢默扮演少年時期的奈傑。 我沒料想到它是會有療效的,只是單純的寫下自己幼年的故事,而當它已成為完整的初稿時,我再回頭讀它,我才發現自己今天的某些行為,是因當時發生的某些事件所造成,像是疑惑有了解答,一些生命中的傷口似乎有了出口…… ─ 史奈傑 味覺記憶著我們的人生, 當味蕾在某一刻碰觸到熟悉的味道, 過去便一幕幕重現…… 童年是作家的存摺,而味覺記憶便是留存童年的防腐劑。 這是一個飢餓男孩的記憶。 那記憶從吐司開始,史雷特的文字接連烹煮出一段段故事…… 亨氏海綿蛋糕,是每個星期日的午餐歡笑。 和母親一起做的肉餡餅,是母親預先對他訴說的告別。 像吻一樣柔軟甜蜜的棉花糖,是父親對他的呵護。 蛋白酥檸檬派,是他心裡對後母的違抗。 手工黑李子果醬,是14歲的他那極度緊張的第一次烹飪課。 澄汁鴨胸,是他的初戀…… 《吐司》不只是一位偉大廚師的傳記,不僅僅是能觸動你味覺體驗的發酵粉,它是每個人對生命的成長體悟,以及追求夢想時都有的挫折與掙扎。 本書中譯版《吐司:敬!美味人生》由大田出版。 Toast is Nigel Slater’s truly extraordinary story of a childhood remembered through food. In each chapter, as he takes readers on a tour of the contents of his family’s pantry—rice pudding, tinned ham, cream soda, mince pies, lemon drops, bourbon biscuits—we are transported.... His mother was a chops-and-peas sort of cook, exasperated by the highs and lows of a temperamental stove, a finicky little son, and the asthma that was to prove fatal. His father was a honey-and-crumpets man with an unpredictable temper. When Nigel’s widowed father takes on a housekeeper with social aspirations and a talent in the kitchen, the following years become a heartbreaking cooking contest for his father’s affections. But as he slowly loses the battle, Nigel finds a new outlet for his culinary talents, and we witness the birth of what was to become a lifelong passion for food. Nigel’s likes and dislikes, aversions and sweet-toothed weaknesses, form a fascinating backdrop to this exceptionally moving memoir of childhood, adolescence, and sexual awakening. A bestseller (more than 300,000 copies sold) and award-winner in the UK, Toast is sure to delight both foodies and memoir readers on this side of the pond—especially those who made such enormous successes of Ruth Reichl’s Tender at the Bone and Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential. |