相遇那年,她6歲,他36歲; 結婚那年,她23歲,他31歲; 離別後再度重逢時,她82歲,他43歲。 在他倆如此詭譎的戀愛大事記裡, 相對於如此真實、強烈的感覺,時間,微不足道…… 如果生命是一場旅行,亨利的旅程肯定比常人更迂迴且深刻,只因為他罹患了時空錯置失調症,當基因時鐘偶爾重起,他就會不由自主地消失,現身在某段曾經,或即將遭遇的時空場景。不得不一再體驗曾經遭受的經歷,他只能旁觀、重複品味那些快樂、悲傷、痛苦。而與克萊兒的愛,是支撐他的唯一動力。 ★本書中文版《時空旅人之妻》由商周出版 This extraordinary, magical novel is the story of Clare and Henry who have known each other since Clare was six and Henry was thirty-six, and were married when Clare was twenty-two and Henry thirty. Impossible but true, because Henry is one of the first people diagnosed with Chrono-Displacement Disorder: periodically his genetic clock resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future. His disappearances are spontaneous and his experiences are alternately harrowing and amusing. The Time Traveler’s Wife depicts the effects of time travel on Henry and Clare’s passionate love for each other with grace and humour. Their struggle to lead normal lives in the face of a force they can neither prevent nor control is intensely moving and entirely unforgettable. |