Thirteen Reasons Why 漢娜的遺言
Thirteen Reasons Why 漢娜的遺言
 嗨,我是漢娜.貝克。接下來,我將告訴你,我所經歷過的一切。 如果你也聽到了錄音帶,那麼,你就是我結束生命的理由之一。 名單上的某些人,或許你們根本不覺得自己做錯了什麼, 因為你永遠不知道,自己對別人做的事,將如何影響他的一生…… 兩個禮拜以前,學校裡多出了一張永遠空下來的座位。──漢娜.貝克,一個傳言滿天飛、備受爭議的女孩,吞安眠藥自殺。 十七歲的男孩克萊,在某天放學回家後,發現門口有一個包裹,沒有回郵地址,沒有寄件人,而其中是七卷錄音帶,每一面上都寫了一個數字,從1到13。 按下收音機的播放鍵,裡頭傳出的竟是漢娜的聲音。 漢娜發生了什麼事?自己又為何會成為她結束生命的理由? 本書中譯版《漢娜的遺言》由春天出版。 Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker—his classmate and crush—who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he’ll find out how he made the list. Through Hannah and Clay’s dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers. JAY ASHER has worked at an independent bookstore, an outlet bookstore, a chain bookstore, and two public libraries. Jay’s first writing award earned him a free fruit smoothie every day for an entire year. More recently, Thirteen Reasons Why won him the Smartwriters.com Write-It-Now Award, and the 2003 SCBWI Work in Progress grant. He was also named one of the ”Hot Men in Children’s Literature” by the librarian-run website A Fuse 8 Production. |