麗貝卡以為當媽媽易如反掌,生了女兒就像美夢成真,從此就有人陪她逛街買東西!但兩歲大的米妮是個小搗蛋,購物方式和她截然不同,事情比她想像的棘手。 從哈洛斯、哈維尼克斯等高級百貨公司到她自己的受洗儀式,米妮所到之處無不一片混亂。她會隨手招計程車,口頭禪是「我的!」,還會在eBay拍賣網站上下標名牌包包。 英國發生嚴重金融危機,大家都節衣縮食,麗貝卡的私人購物顧客們也不例外。另外,盧克親愛的繼母過世,讓他的心情陷入低潮。為了讓盧克開心,麗貝卡決定幫他辦驚喜生日派對,並控制預算,沒想到事情卻越來越複雜。麗貝卡努力祕密策劃的過程中,不斷產生各種誤會和搪塞的藉口,結果她發現自己撒了太多謊…… 最後麗貝卡真的有辦法保持祕密製造驚喜嗎?米妮會不會把祕密說出去?當麗貝卡發現盧克也有重大祕密沒有告訴她時,又該怎麼面對? Sophie Kinsella has dazzled readers with her irresistible Shopaholic novels—sensational international bestsellers that have garnered millions of devoted fans and catapulted her into the first rank of contemporary storytellers. Now her beloved heroine Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) returns in a hilarious tale of married life, toddlerhood, and the perils of trying to give a fabulous surprise party—on a budget! Becky Brandon thought motherhood would be a breeze and that having a daughter was a dream come true: a shopping friend for life! But it’s trickier than she thought. Two-year-old Minnie has a quite different approach to shopping. Minnie creates havoc everywhere she goes, from Harrods to her own christening. Her favorite word is “Mine!” and she’s even trying to get into eBay! On top of everything else, Becky and Luke are still living with her parents (the deal on house #4 has fallen through), when suddenly there’s a huge financial crisis. With people having to “cut back,” Becky decides to throw a surprise party for Luke to cheer everyone up. But when costs start to spiral out of control, she must decide whether to accept help from an unexpected source—and therefore run the risk of hurting the person she loves. Will Becky be able to pull off the celebration of the year? Will she and Luke ever find a home of their own? Will Minnie ever learn to behave? And . . . most important . . . will Becky’s secret wishes ever come true? 本書中譯版《迷你購物狂》由馥林文化出版。 |