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The King’s Speech 王者之聲:宣戰時刻

The King’s Speech  恐懼說話的國王與幫助國王找回聲音的人
  許多人一生夢想能攀爬到最高的位置,英王喬治六世卻從未想過要成為國王, 他的兄長愛德華八世在登基之初深受愛戴,然而在不到一年的時間之內,愛德華八世的統治導致英國君主制度有史以來最大的危機,英王喬治六世因此被迫登基。
  喬治六世的妻子伊麗莎白王后為了幫助國王,找到來自澳洲的語言治療師羅格。羅格從一開始就成功說服國王相信他的語言障礙並非來自於根深柢固的心理創傷, 而是機械性的問題,只要努力與決心,就可以克服。羅格從最初就堅持,他們必須在哈利街診所或是羅格的自宅進行諮商,而不是在王室的宅邸。羅格清楚表明國王 必須是他的患者;經過數年之後,這層關係也演變成真正的友情。
  喬治六世在接受一段時日的訓練後,他的口吃問題獲得大幅改善,即便如此在 他統治的歲月中,他從未真正克服親自發表演說的恐懼,但卻不斷表現出他想親自發表演說的決心,在二次大戰前夕,他勇敢地站上演說講台,發表一篇史上著名的 宣戰演說,鼓舞了當時二戰中的英國軍隊,也令全民振奮。
  《王者之聲》本書同名電影,分別由柯林佛斯( Colin Firth)及傑佛瑞羅許( Geoffrey Rush)飾演喬治六世及言語治療師羅格,電影劇本與本書內容全是根據羅格生前從未發表的個人日記撰寫。他的日記裡寫了許多他與喬治六世自認識後所培養出 的一段亦師亦友的堅定情誼及不為人知的生活故事。柯林佛斯已拿下本屆金球獎最佳男主角,電影在加拿大及英國也分別榮獲多項大獎肯定。
  The King’s Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy
  The true story behind the award-winning movie of the same name, The King’s Speech is written by London Sunday Times journalist Peter Conradi and Mark Logue--grandson of Lionel Logue, whose recently discovered diaries and correspondence contain fascinating details about these events.
  It’s the eve of World War II, and King Edward VIII has abdicated the throne of England to marry the woman he loves. Never has the nation needed a leader more. But the new monarch, George VI--father of today’s Queen Elizabeth II--is painfully shy and cursed with a terrible stammer. How can he inspire confidence in his countrymen when he cannot even speak to them? Help arrives in speech therapist Logue, who not only is a commoner, but Australian to boot. Will he be able to give King George his voice? This stirring book tells an inspiring tale of one man’s rise from obscurity in 19th-century Adelaide to fame in Britain between the wars, and of the unlikely friendship between a reluctant king and the charismatic subject who helped save the British throne.