◎榮獲【愛爾蘭國家書卷獎】年度讀者選書獎等5項國際大獎! ◎入圍【英國國家書卷獎】、【德國青少年文學獎】等16項世界各大好書獎! ◎全世界熱賣突破1,500,000冊!並已拍成電影! ◎蟬連愛爾蘭暢銷排行榜冠軍66週!國際媒體佳評如潮! ◎榮登美國紐約時報、出版家週刊,及英、法、德、西班牙等多國暢銷排行榜! 這不只是關於兩個男孩純真友誼的故事, 也是關於你們、我們和他們的, 一則生命的寓言…… 《穿條紋衣的男孩》是一本在全世界各地入圍、得獎無數,並且口碑載道、備受讚譽的一本書。通常對於這樣的書,我們都會有很多話想說,都會迫不及待的想要向你介紹劇情,但是這一次,我們決定不那麼做,因為我們認為那將會毀掉你的閱讀樂趣。我們希望,你能夠在完全不知道故事的情況下,自己和書中的男孩布魯諾一起展開這場未知的探險。 當你翻開這本書後,你將隨著九歲的布魯諾踏上一段旅程,並且還會跟他一起來到一面圍籬前,認識另一個男孩。無論過去、現在,還是未來,像這樣的圍籬在全世界都有,但我們衷心希望你永遠也不會碰上這樣的圍籬…… ★本書中譯本由皇冠出版。 Berlin 1942 When Bruno returns home from school one day, he discovers that his belongings are being packed in crates. His father has received a promotion and the family must move from their home to a new house far far away, where there is no one to play with and nothing to do. A tall fence running alongside stretches as far as the eye can see and cuts him off from the strange people he can see in the distance. But Bruno longs to be an explorer and decides that there must be more to this desolate new place than meets the eye. While exploring his new environment, he meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences. |